Lesson Title
All Around the World Research Project
Learning to identify oceans and continents is a foundational geography skill that begins in grades 1-2 in the Social Studies OAS. The student will explore continents and oceans through a research project. This project will establish a strong geographical foundation that will support future learning.
Grade Range
1st and 2nd Grade
Works Cited of Text
Lindeen, Mary. Africa, Earth’s Continents.
Child’s World Inc. 2010.
Lindeen, Mary. Antarctica, Earth’s Continents.
Child’s World Inc. 2010.
Lindeen, Mary. Asia, Earth’s Continents.
Child’s World Inc. 2010.
Lindeen, Mary. Australia, Earth’s Continents.
Child’s World Inc. 2010.
Lindeen, Mary. Europe, Earth’s Continents.
Child’s World Inc. 2010.
Lindeen, Mary. North America, Earth’s Continents.
Child’s World Inc. 2010.
Lindeen, Mary. South America, Earth’s Continents.
Child’s World Inc. 2010.
Informational Text
Text Structure: Descriptive Text
Each text provides the reader with a basic introduction to each continent including the geography, topography, industries, landmarks, animals and the people. Text features including fact-filled captions, detailed photographs, and a phonetic glossary are used to aid in the comprehension for the reader.
Link to Text
Epic! Research Resources Hyperlinks
Research Resources QR Codes
To access the books for this project, a free Epic! educator account must be created.
# of Class Period(s)
5 Day Plan (50–60-minute lessons)
The students will use various research resources to locate, identify and outline important information on the continents. The students will collaborate with a small group to gather and organize important facts. The students will present the project orally and visually to their peer group.
This research project allows young children an opportunity to engage in essential skills needed in today's age. Children need to learn how to collect and organize information on their own and present their findings. Research helps to fulfill academic needs, provides freedom to explore the topic, enables overall development, and enhances motivation.
1.2.3 Students will identify the difference between continents and oceans.
2.2.4 Students will identify and locate basic landforms, bodies of water, continents, and oceans on a map.
1.6.R.1 and 2.6.R.1 Students will identify who can answer questions about their topic or what resources they will need to find the information.
1.6.R.2 and 2.6.R.2 Students will identify and use graphic and text features to understand texts:
1st Grade 2nd Grade
● photos ● photos
● illustrations ● illustrations
● titles ● titles
● labels ● labels
● headings ● headings
● charts ● charts
● graphs ● graphs
● captions ● captions
● subheadings
1.6.R.3 and 2.6.R.3 Students will consult various text reference sources to gather information (i. e. Title page, table of contents, glossary, index)
1.6.W.2 and 2.6.W.2 Students will organize information found during group or individual research, using graphic organizers or other aids with prompting.
1.6.W.3 and 2.6.W.3 Students will share relevant information for various purposes.
These objectives were chosen to show how Social Studies and ELA objectives may be integrated to create lessons that are student-centered while effectively meeting the criteria for two content areas.
The highlighted text features are the specific ones that are present in the selected texts for this project. All the text features may be taught together as a strategy to gather meaning from the text. However, these are the ones that will be used for this project.
Students are asked specifically to use the glossary to complete the brochure, so glossary has been highlighted to identify the portion of this objective that will be addressed during this lesson.
Refer to the Assessment Plan to see how each of the standards are assessed throughout the lesson.
Learning Objectives
Students will use a map and other simple geographic models to identify basic landforms, bodies of water, continents, and oceans. (1.2.3 & 2.2.4)
Students will identify which pictures, charts, texts, and people can be used to gather information on a topic of interest. (1.6.R.1 & 2.6.R.1)
Students will use a variety of text features to better understand the text.(1.6.R.2 & 2.6.R.2)
Students will identify where the glossary is located in a text, explain its purpose, and use it to gather information. (1.6.R.3 & 2.6.R.3)
Students will use graphic organizers or other aids (with prompting) to organize information during group or individual research.(1.6.W.2 & 2.6.W.2)
Students will share information found in research relevant to the topic.(1.6.W.3 & 2.6.W.3)
The learning objectives provide a clear picture of the strategies and activities the students will use to obtain mastery of the selected standards. The learning objectives are important because they specifically identify what the students should be able to do by the end of the lessons. This information should guide formative assessments that will identify areas where students need additional guidance and support to be successful.
Universal Design for Learning Considerations
Access & Engagement - The students will be in a group where they will choose the continent they would like to research.
Access & Representation - When showing the videos, the Closed Captions will be activated as well as the audio to the text.
Build & Representation- Vocabulary cards contain pictures to help students better understand vocabulary.
Build-Action and Expression - Optional sentence starters could be provided for the brochure.
Internalize & Representation- Class will build a KWL chart to activate prior knowledge and organize information while progressing through the topics.
Internalize-Action & Expression- Brochure templates will be provided to help students organize writing projects.
UDL Resources
Strategies were chosen from three levels of the UDL matrix. All these strategies are present in the lesson steps.
Materials/ Handouts
All Around the World Pre-Post Assessments
Assessment Plan
All Around the World Video Links
All Around the World Vocabulary Center
All Around the World Vocabulary Chart
Brochure Scoring Rubric
Brochure Template
Continents Puzzle
Nonfiction Text Features Poster
Research Resource Hyperlinks
ALL resources needed for the project may be downloaded here and are linked throughout the lesson plan.
Tier 2-3 Vocabulary
continent, ocean, country (Tier 2)
geography, equator, hemisphere (Tier 3)
See the description of the Vocabulary Tiers here.
Background Knowledge
Students will need background knowledge on the basic text features including bold words, illustrations, captions and a glossary. Students will use these features to better understand the text.
Nonfiction Text Features by Jack Hartmann
Nonfiction Text Features Poster
This video is a wonderful way to introduce or review the Nonfiction Text Features.
Students will have the Nonfiction Text Features Sheet at their work area for reference.
Feature Finders Activity:
- Post a chart on the board titled “Feature Finders”.
- Remind students throughout the week to look for text features in their resource book, then share when they find one.
- Post their name as a “Feature Finder”.
Engagement Strategy - Continent Call Backs
Continent Call Back Example
Teacher Says
“Continents, Continents Where Are You?”
Teacher Says
“Asia, Asia Where are you?”
Students Say
“Asia, Asia We are here!”
Repeat with all Continents.
These Call Backs are a fun, effective strategy to quickly engage student’s attention and focus. These can be used throughout the week as needed.
Teacher Prep
for Day 1
Prepare a large K-W-L Chart
Prep a large chart to use in your whole group instruction area. (Image to the right)
Digital Anchor Chart This K-W-L Chart could be presented digitally if this would work better for your students.
Vocabulary Anchor Chart (Visuals)
Video and Song Links need to be selected and pulled up on your technology device for Day 1.
Print the Pre-Test/Post-Test
The teacher will need to arrange the room for collaborative group work. The goal is to represent all seven continents, so students need to be grouped with 2-4 students in each group.
Day 1
Instructional Plan
Whole Group
Before beginning the lesson, have students complete the Pre-Test (Left Side).
After reviewing the Pre-Test, discuss with the class what they already know about continents and oceans and complete the Know (K) Section of the K-W-L Chart.
Next, introduce the topic with the video
Continents and Oceans Sing Along
Then, introduce the Vocabulary Anchor Chart (Visuals) by using the words with images to match with the definitions. The students will then collaborate, as a class, to create motions or gestures for each word to help deepen the students' understanding of each focus word.
Last, complete the Want to Know Section (W) of the K-W-L Chart based on what the students want to know. Ask students what they hope to learn about continents and oceans in the next few days.
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
Fold the test in half where the student only sees the pre-Test. They will flip it at the end of the project to take the post-Test. The teacher could read the test and allow the time to circle the answer choice if necessary. Check and correct the answers together.
Using the same assessment for the Pre-Test and Post-Test aids students in self-assessment by seeing what they have learned while also giving teachers summative knowledge to identify effectiveness of lessons and need for remediation. Teachers should utilize the Assessment Plan to provide a full picture of what the student knows.
Day 2
Teacher Prep
Video and Song Links need to be selected and pulled up on your technology device for Day 2.
Print and laminate for Whole Group Instruction
Vocabulary Chart (Visuals)
Share through Platform or Print and Laminate
Research Resources Hyperlinks
Print Nonfiction Text Features Reference Sheet
Print All Around the World Brochure
Use whichever method will best fit the needs of your students.
Day 2
Instructional Plan
Whole Group
Small Group
For the Day 2 Warm-Up, introduce the following songs to the students:
Seven Continents Song
Five Oceans Song
To begin the whole group instruction, the teacher, using the Vocabulary Chart (Visuals)
will direct the students to match the Vocabulary Words with the Definitions. Choose students to either have a word/image card or a definition card. They find their match with another student, and then place the match on the chart. Finally, as a class, recite words with definitions and motions.
Know Your Globe SciShow Kids Lesson Link
MINI LESSON: The students will learn to identify and locate the seven continents and five oceans. They will label the world map that is on the inside of their brochure. Pause the video each time a continent is introduced to allow time to label the map. After the activity, compare and contrast the continents and the oceans.
All Around the World Brochure
The Research Goal for the Day - Choose a Continent- The students will be grouped to either choose a continent to research or the teacher can assign the continent to research. The students will title the Continent and draw a picture of the Continent in the brochure.
Review Pre-Assessment Questions.
“Choose Your Side” Activity
“Choose Your Side”-
T: Are there seven or two continents on the planet Earth?
Students move to the side of the room that matches their answer choice.
The teacher would then review the correct answer with additional details.
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
(1.6.R.1 & 2.6.R.1) ELA OAS
(1.6.R.2 & 2.6.R.2) ELA OAS
Left Flap of the Brochure
Remind the students about the opportunity to be a “Feature Finder”. The Nonfiction Text Features Reference Sheet will be placed in their work area for reference.
Day 3
Teacher Prep
Video and Song Links need to be selected and pulled up on your technology device for Day 3.
Tape the definition cards from the Vocabulary Chart around the room.
Day 3
Instructional Plan
Whole Group
Small Group
For the Day 3 Warm-Up, sing the following songs together:
Seven Continents Song
Five Oceans Song
To begin, the teacher will review the Tier 2-3 Vocabulary Words by playing “I Spy” with Word Cards and Definitions.
“I Spy” (Word to Definition)
Teacher holds up the picture/word card and the student identifies the definition from the cards posted on the wall. The student who finds the matching definition would read the definition from the card. For example:
T: I Spy “geography”
Students go to search.
S: I Spy “the study of the Earth, its land, water,
and people.” Continue until all vocabulary words have been selected correctly. Finally, as a class, recite words with definitions and motions.
Learn Continents and Oceans by Kids Cove
MINI LESSON: The students will learn how to collaborate with a small group to complete a research project. The teacher will begin by modeling how to access the research resources Research Resource Hyperlinks. Next, the teacher will model how to find three important, relevant facts in the text using a think aloud to determine which facts are relevant and important. Finally, the teacher will model how to compose a complete sentence.
All Around the World Brochure
The Research Goals for the Day - Three Facts
The student will collaborate with their group and complete 3 Important Facts about the Continent on the brochure. The student will compose good sentences with a complete thought, capitalization, correct spacing, letter formation, and end marks.
Review Pre-Assessment Questions
“Choose Your Side” Activity
“Choose Your Side”- Have students in the center of the room. Have them go to the left if the answer is ___ and to the right if the answer is ___.
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
“I Spy” is an active learning activity that allows students to move around the room to show what they know. This is a fun review for students to practice identifying the focus vocabulary.
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
(1.6.R.1 & 2.6.R.1) ELA OAS
(1.6.R.2 & 2.6.R.2) ELA OAS
(1.6.W.2 & 2.6.W.2) ELA OAS
Remind the students about the opportunity to be a “Feature Finder”.
Middle of the Brochure
The links below are to each individual text selection.
North America
South America
“Choose Your Side”
T: There are 7 or 2 continents on planet Earth. Choose Your Side 7 (Left Side) or 2 (Right Side)?
Students move to the side of the room that matches their answer choice.
The teacher would then review the correct answer with additional details.
Day 4
Teacher Prep
Video and Song Links need to be selected and pulled up on your technology device for Day 4.
Tape the WORD Cards Around the Room
18 X 24 Blue Construction Paper (1 per student)
Print Continents Puzzle (1 per student)
These supplies are needed for the SS/Art Extension.
Day 4
Instructional Plan
Whole Group
Small Group
Social Studies
For the Day 4 Warm-Up, sing the following songs together:
Seven Continents Song
Five Oceans Song
To begin, review the Tier 2-3 Vocabulary Words by playing “I Spy” with Definitions and Word Cards (opposite of Day 3)
I Spy” (Definition to Word)
The teacher holds up the DEFINITION card and the student looks for the WORD. The student who finds the matching WORD will quote the WORD.
T: I Spy “the study of the Earth, its land, water, and people.”
Students go to search.
S: I Spy “geology.”
Continue until all definitions have been selected correctly. Finally, recite words with definitions and motions as a class.
MINI LESSON The student will answer research questions by locating evidence within the text. The teacher will model how to locate answers to specific questions in the text and model how to write short answers.
The Research Goal for the Day - Five Short Answers
The student will collaborate with their group to locate the answers to the questions for their continent. The student will compose the answers in short phrases or single words on the brochure.
Continents Puzzle
Each student will have their own puzzle pieces (continents) to lay out on the blue paper (oceans). The student will cut out the pieces and lay them in the correct locations on the blue paper.
Practice with the Puzzle
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
(1.6.R.1 & 2.6.R.1) ELA OAS
(1.6.R.2 & 2.6.R.2) ELA OAS
(1.6.R.3 & 2.6.R.3) ELA OAS
(1.6.W.2 & 2.6.W.2) ELA OAS
Right Flap of the Brochure
Recommendation - Do not glue the pieces to enable the student to practice continually.
Day 5
Teacher Prep
Video and Song Links need to be selected and pulled up on your technology device for Day 5.
Print Brochure Scoring Rubric
Day 5
Instructional Plan
Whole Group
For the Day 5 Warm-Up, sing the following songs together:
Seven Continents Song
Five Oceans Song
As a whole group, complete the L section of the K-W-L Chart based on what the Students Learned.
Prepare for Presentations
Model facing the audience and speaking in complete sentences. Model remaining on topic as you share the presentation.
Share the Presentation
The students will share information about their continent in their peer group. Redirect students with questions if needed to help them stay on topic.
Students will then take the Post Test (Right Side)
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
(1.2.3 & 2.2.4) SS OAS
(1.6.W.3 & 2.6.W.3) ELA OAS
Use the Rubric for Scoring.
Brochure Scoring Rubric
Assessment Plan
Refer to the Assessment Plan to see how each of the standards are assessed throughout the lesson.
Vocabulary Concentration Center
Earth Art Project
GeoGuessr Continents and Oceans Games
Educaplay Continents and Oceans Games
Print and laminate the cards and your students will have a fun matching game.
This art extension is a fun way to help students to recall the continents.
These are computer games that would be so engaging as practice on the locations of continents and oceans.
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