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Grade 2 Proficiency Levels

Page history last edited by Misty Eidson 1 year, 4 months ago

These proficiency levels provide descriptions of student skill levels for each objective at the the developing, approaching, understanding, and deeper acquisition levels.


Students at the developing level need the most support to master the objective.
Students at the approaching level need some support to master the objective.
Students at the understanding level can demonstrate mastery of the objective.
Students at the extending level have mastered the objective and can go deeper.


These descriptors are guidance for classroom teachers to identify levels of student understanding. This understanding allows teachers to build upon the students' current ability and work toward and beyond a mastery of grade-level skills. 


Standard 1: Speaking & Listening


Standard 2: Reading Foundations


Standard 2: Reading & Writing Processes


Standard 3: Critical Reading & Writing


Standard 4: Vocabulary


Standard 5: Language


Standard 6: Research


Standard 7: Multimodal Literacies


Standard 8: Independent Reading & Writing


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