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Grade 2 Writing Resources

Page history last edited by Sharon Morgan 1 year, 2 months ago

This suite of writing resources includes student-friendly checklists for the narrative, informative, argumentative, and research modes; editing checklists for the beginning and middle of the school year; examples of teacher feedback on student writing; and a peer feedback lesson plan with a slideshow and handout.


Student-Friendly Checklists   Editing Checklists
Students can use these writing checklists to ensure they have addressed all of the components outlined in each of these modes. Teachers can personalize some of the requirements to help students revise.
Students can use these checklists to determine if they have followed all of the expectations for grammar and mechanics in their writing. The beginning of year checklist is based on rules from previous grades. The middle of the year checklist can be used once students have learned the required expectations for their current grade.
Teacher Feedback Examples    Peer Feedback Lesson
Teachers showcase how to provide various kinds of helpful feedback on student writing in these early childhood examples. Each student essay is paired with a specific kind of teacher feedback.
Teachers can use the following resources to introduce students on how to provide feedback to one another about their writing. The lesson plan outlines the steps, the slideshow supplements the lesson, and the handout is intended for students to use in groups once they have completed the lesson.
  Student Essay
Teacher Feedback
Pre-K Narrative Writing  Conference Video
Kindergarten Opinion Writing 

Conference Video 

Grade 1 Informative

Margin Comments

Grade 2 Opinion Conference Video



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