The framework table below includes ideas on how to customize and adjust a Grade 3 reading lesson that focuses on the ability of the student to read a text then write a summary based on the important events of a story in a sequential order. The lesson includes the objective 3.2.R.3. Instruction includes teacher reading aloud, modeling the thinking of good readers as they read, choosing important events from the story, using a SWBST - (Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then) or BME - (Beginning, Middle, End) graphic organizer to support their understanding, and writing a summary in sequential order as an anchor chart to use as a tool in the classroom. Students will work in teams to apply the learning from the lesson by using grade level text(s), graphic organizer(s), and the classroom anchor chart as a tool to produce a sequentially organized summary as a product. As the teacher prepared the lesson, the framework below guided their planning and helped ensure all students would have access and be able to participate in a meaningful, challenging learning opportunity.
Action & Expression
Recruiting Interest
Think about a recent movie - tell what happened in sequential order.
Think about a favorite experience-tell/write what happened in sequential order.
Ask students to define “summarize”, think about why summarizing is important, how is summarizing used in a real world application (how/why do adults summarize?) include an anchor chart for reference.
Listen to an audio recording of a short film, movie, or text and then have a whole group discussion to summarize aloud.
Teacher will read aloud a grade level text and co create with the students an anchor chart using SWBST.
Use picture books to discuss an appropriate summary with a partner.
Physical Action
Multi-ability student groups work together to read grade level text or listen to teacher audio of text being read aloud and create an anchor chart displaying the SWBST or BME summary components.
Student groups will place task cards in sequential order to summarize a story
Student groups create/illustrate. storyboards based on picture books summary in BME or SWBST format
Sustaining Effort & Persistence
Assign student groups (including time keepers, facilitators to keep the group focused).
Goal of the lesson is easily referenced throughout the lesson.
Reference to class/teacher created anchor charts throughout the lesson.
Language & Symbols
Assign student groups (including time keepers, facilitators to keep the group focused).
Goal of the lesson is easily referenced throughout the lesson.
Reference to class/teacher created anchor charts throughout the lesson.
Expression & Communication
Student group discussions to create oral summary of grade level text.
Students will read grade level text and summarize the story using google slides.
Students will write speaker notes on google slides and use in their final slide to summarize the story.
Self Regulation
Students understand that they are expected to individually create a summary at the end of the lesson.
SWBST (Somebody, wanted, but, so, then) checklist
Beginning, Middle, End (BME checklist)
Based on what students know about summarizing - students will individually create a summary.
Teacher/student conferences
Student/student conferences regarding student created summaries.
Executive Function
Students create and write individual summaries based on grade level text.
Students will write using paragraph form.
Students will use transition words from SWBST graphics to sequence the summary.
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