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Grade 4 Universal Design for Learning

Page history last edited by Sharon Morgan 1 year, 4 months ago

The framework table below includes ideas on how to customize and adjust a Grade 4 lesson that focuses on composing narratives. The lesson includes the objective 4.3.W.1. Instruction includes teaching the components of narrative writing, creating anchor charts of the components of narrative writing, use of mentor texts and teacher modeling to demonstrate the correct ways to incorporate the components of narrative writing. Students will be provided with clear expectations, peer and teacher feedback, and checklists to ensure all necessary components of narrative writing are included in their essays. As the teacher prepared the lesson, the framework below guided their planning and helped ensure all students would have access and be able to participate in a meaningful, challenging learning opportunity.


Action & Expression




Recruiting Interest


  • Provide student choice in narrative topic (either real event of choice or imaginative story of choice).

  • Think about an event that has occurred in your life - describe the event in chronological sequence.

  • Provide prompts to help engage students in narrative topics.

  • Post anchor charts detailing the characteristics of narrative writing - anchor charts should include pictures and words to provide access for all students.

    • i.e., plot elements, character development, point of view, writing and punctuating dialogue, sensory details, etc. 



  • Provide access to mentor texts in various ways.

    • i.e., teacher read aloud, listen to an audio recording, have students partner read.

  • Provide a visual of required components of narrative writing

    • i.e., plot elements, character development, point of view, writing and punctuating dialogue, sensory details, etc.

Physical Action


  • Provide student choice in method of writing.

    • i.e., hand written, typed, speech to text

  • Provide tools to students based on method of writing

    • i.e., handwritten - pencil grips, paper copies of graphic organizers, different paper choices, etc.

    • i.e., typed - digital copies of graphic organizers, keyboards, specific apps, etc.

  • Provide opportunities for alternate seating throughout the writing process. 




Sustaining Effort & Persistence


  • Vary the length or complexity of narrative writing to fit student needs.

  • Create checkpoints and timelines for student accountability. 

  • Peer conferencing with clear expectations (“glows and grows” - glows are areas of strength and grows are areas they could improve by expanding or refining).

  • Individual writing conferences with clear feedback focused on effort and improvement. 

Language & Symbols


  • Review narrative components as a class.

  • Provide students a note/guide sheet with definitions and examples of each narrative component.


Expression & Communication


  • Provide graduated support for students.

    • For example, for events unfolding in chronological sequence - have students orally develop short sequences of events, share with a partner, and provide feedback on success

  • Provide student choice in publishing format.

    • i.e., paragraph format, book format, movie with subtitles, etc.





Self Regulation


  • Provide students with narrative component checklists.

  • Set realistic goals and timelines with students for completion of each stage of the narrative writing process.

    • Timelines should include accountability check ins with both peer partner and teacher.

  • Model ‘getting stuck’ in the writing process and strategies to overcome this challenge.

    • i.e., reading a mentor text, conferencing with a peer and/or teacher.




  • Use mentor texts to teach and model specific characteristics of narrative writing (be sure to highlight essential elements).

    • i.e., plot, characters, dialogue, point of view, sensory details, etc.

  • Model the writing process (brainstorming - publishing).

  • Provide opportunities for students to make connections to concepts. 

    • For example: for sensory details have students describe photos or items/artifacts in groups.

  • Provide graphic organizers for each stage of the writing process and the various components of narrative writing

    • i.e., brainstorming, drafting, revising/editing, publishing, plot map, punctuating dialogue, etc. 

Executive Function


  • Provide exemplar essays to demonstrate mastery. 

    • Students can use exemplar essays as an example to see what proficiency looks like, to gather ideas on how to format their narrative, or as a model for any of the narrative components. 

  • Create a writing portfolio to organize and manage resources and graphic organizers.



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