
Grade 12 Universal Design for Learning

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on January 31, 2023 at 11:19:27 am

The framework table below includes ideas on how to customize and adjust a Grade 12 lesson that focuses on Standard 6: Research. The lesson includes the standard 12.6.W.1. Instruction includes a guide for students to engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and communicate accurate information in creating a research paper. As the teacher prepared the lesson, the framework below guided their planning and helped ensure all students would have access and be able to participate in a meaningful, challenging learning opportunity.


Action & Expression

Recruiting Interest

  • Teachers provide a list of diverse topics for students to choose from using literature, informational texts, or media topics and lead a class discussion on possible topics.

  • Students actively research from the list of topics, suggesting possible topics of their own upon teacher approval.  

  • Allow students to choose the topic of their interest. 




Physical Action

  • Students actively engage in research using print, digital, and/or auditory texts.  

  • Students use time in the classroom and/or the library to conduct research using computers or access to various texts with the assistance of the school librarian.

  • Students use paper sources (e.g. sticky notes, index cards) to organize their research. 


Sustaining Effort & Persistence

  • Teachers meet with students individually or in small groups (with similar topics) and discuss progress in the research process. Teachers provide individual feedback, or students use peer critique using journals.

  • Teachers create small groups of students to share the research they have found to foster objective thinking and peer feedback. 

Language & Symbols

  • Teachers provide a CER map to help students create a clear, concise thesis by organizing their ideas and supporting them with the proper research.

  • Teachers give students an Identity Chart graphic organizer to help with visual and textual concepts or main ideas to aid in the research process. 

Expression & Communication

  • Students write an outline of ideas for their topic from the research they complete daily/weekly using Jamboards or small group discussions.

  • Students use a Circle Map to review how to quote, summarize, paraphrase, and cite. They understand what plagiarism is.


Self Regulation

  • Teachers ask students to journal so they can reflect on their sources and make meaningful notes of each source. 

  • Teachers and students have a daily/weekly written/oral conversation to provide feedback and document progress of the research process in their journals.

  • Teachers create a schedule of deadlines so students know when they need to meet each requirement or step in the research process. (e.g., reading/synthesizing research, creating a thesis, and developing an outline) 


  • Teachers model the research process using online resources like Google Scholar, EBSCO Host, or Oklahoma Virtual Library.

  • Teachers model how to cite the potential sources students have chosen.

  • Students use Categorical Highlighting to help them narrow down their topics of interest. 

  • Students use A-Clap to help them synthesize and analyze different research materials. 

Executive Function

  • Teachers have students use Google Classroom plagiarism checker or another online resource to validate their work. 

  • Students reflect in their journals the progress they have made in the research process.

  • Teachers provide students with outlets such as graphic organizers to manage their research topic information.

  • Teachers develop a daily/weekly checklist for students to accomplish tasks in researching (e.g., a certain amount of sources that are online/print from books, journals, interviews, etc.) 



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