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Page history last edited by Sharon Morgan 2 years, 3 months ago

Standard 2: Reading and Writing Processes Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes. 

2.2.W.1 Students will prewrite and develop drafts by sequencing the action in a story or details about a topic through writing sentences. 

Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Students prewrite by organizing ideas, setting goals, and exploring topics.

  • Students develop drafts by sequencing the action in a story through writing sentences.

  • Students develop drafts by writing details about a topic. 

  • Teachers model prewriting by organizing ideas, setting goals, and exploring topics by drawing, listing key thoughts, or using a graphic organizer.

  • Teachers provide materials and opportunities for students to engage in prewriting. 

  • Teachers refer to mentor texts as models for sequencing action or adding details about a topic. 

  • Teachers model developing drafts by sequencing the action through shared writing experiences where teachers and students jointly draft a written text with teachers and students sharing the pen. 

  • Teachers model developing drafts by writing details through interactive writing experiences where teachers and students jointly draft a written text with teachers and students sharing the pen. 

  • Teachers provide materials and opportunities for students to develop drafts by 

    • sequencing the action in a story. 

    • writing details about a topic.

  • Teachers provide materials and opportunities for students to receive feedback on developing drafts through writing sentences. 

  • See Recursive Writing Process.


Key Terms & Related Objectives

When students struggle to generate ideas for writing, teachers can… 

  • use a mentor text to inspire ideas.

  • use a brainstorming technique in which the class shares story ideas in a circle.

  • take an internal field trip to locations around the school or playground or participate in a virtual field trip to another location in order to identify a topic before asking students to select a small moment or idea from that topic. 


When students struggle to sequence the action in a story, teachers can…

  • ask students to create a story map by drawing and labeling the main events in the story checking to ensure that the draft follows the sequence of the map.

  • ask students to create a timeline with events checking to ensure that the draft follows the sequence of the events.

  • guide students to use transition words. 


When students struggle with organizing details when writing about a topic, teachers can…

  • provide a graphic organizer with a framed outline (e.g., hamburger frame, beginning/middle/end organizer).

  • have the student express ideas orally, dictate the main ideas, and have students use that information to write sentences. 

  • have students work with a partner to discuss how to organize details. 

  • Draft: a preliminary version of a piece of writing.

  • Shared Writing: an interactive writing experience where students create writing with the guidance and support of the teacher.

  • 2.2.R.3: Summarize the plot

  • 2.2.R.4: Summarize facts and details

  • 2.3.W.1: Narrative writing

  • 2.3.W.2: Informative writing

  • 2.3.W.3: Opinion writing

  • 2.5.W.1: Compose sentences



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