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Grade 2 ELA Standards

Page history last edited by Jason Stephenson 1 year ago

On the hyperlinked pages below, each objective is analyzed with student actions, teacher actions, recommendations, and key terms and related objectives. Simply click the code of the objective for more information.


Standard 1: Listening and Speaking

Students will listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.

Students will develop and apply effective

communication skills through active listening.

Students will develop and apply effective

communication skills to share ideas through speaking.


Students will actively listen using agreed-upon discussion rules.


Students will work respectfully in groups by sharing responsibility for collaborative work and recognizing individual contributions made by each group member.


Students will follow multi-step oral directions.


Students will engage in collaborative discussions about various topics and texts, including their own writing, with peers in small and large groups.

   2.1.S.3 Students will ask and answer relevant questions to seek help, get information, or clarify information to confirm understanding.


Students will report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with relevant facts descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.


Standard 2: Reading and Writing Foundations

Students will develop foundational skills for reading and writing proficiency by working with sounds, letters, and text.

 Phonological Awareness
Students will recognize, count, and manipulate the parts of spoken words,

including syllables, onset/rimes, and phonemes without using text.


Students will add, delete, and substitute phonemes in spoken words with 5-6 phonemes (e.g., add /th/ to the beginning of rowing to say throwing; delete the /r/ in trips to say tips; substitute the /l/ in clank with /r/ to say crank).
Print Concepts
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the organization and basic features of print.


Students will correctly form letters in print and use appropriate spacing for letters, words, and sentences. 


Phonics and Word Study
Students will decode and encode words by applying phonics

and word analysis skills in context and isolation.


Students will decode one- and two-syllable words by using their knowledge of the following phonics skills: 

     a. single consonants, including those with two different sounds (e.g., soft and hard c [cent, cat] and g [gem, goat])

     b. consonant blends (e.g., bl, br, cr, spr, spl)

     c. consonant digraphs and trigraphs (e.g., sh, tch)

     d. vowel-consonant-silent e (e.g., lake)

     e. r-controlled vowels (i.e., ar, er, ir or, ur)

     f. vowel digraphs (e.g., ea, oa, ee)

     g. vowel diphthongs (i.e., vowel combinations having two vowel sounds [e.g., oi as in boil, oy as in boy])

     h. schwa (e.g., banana)

     i. silent letter combinations (knew, could, ghost)


     *sequential skills


Students will decode words by applying knowledge of all major syllable types: 

     a. closed

     b. open

     c. vowel digraphs

     d. vowel-consonant-silent e

     e. r-controlled

     f. consonant +le


     *sequential skills


Students will decode words by applying knowledge of structural analysis: 

     a. compound words

     b. inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing)

     c. contractions

     d. abbreviations

     e. common roots and related prefixes and suffixes


     *sequential skills



Students will encode and write words in context and isolation

by applying phonics, spelling patterns, and structural analysis skills.


Students will use correct spelling when writing the following sounds in words: 

     a. digraphs

     b. trigraphs

     c. vowel digraphs

     d. r-controlled


     *sequential skills


Students will use correct spelling when writing the following syllable types in single-syllable and multisyllabic words:

     a. closed

     b. open

     c. vowel-consonant-silent e

     d. r-controlled


     *sequential skills


Students will use structural analysis to correctly spell the following parts of words:

     a. common prefixes

     b. common suffixes

     c. common spelling rules related to adding prefixes and suffixes (e.g., dropping the final -e, doubling a consonant)


     *sequential skills


Students will read grade-level text smoothly and accurately, with appropriate expression.


Students will expand their sight word vocabulary by reading regularly- and irregularly-spelled words in isolation and context with increasing automaticity. 


Students will orally and accurately read grade-level text at a smooth rate with expression that connotes comprehension. 



Standard 2: Reading and Writing Process

Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.

Students will read and comprehend inclusive, diverse,
and increasingly complex literary and informational texts.
Students will engage in a recursive process that may include
prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.


Students will identify the main idea and supporting details of a text. 


Students will prewrite and develop drafts by sequencing the action in a story or details about a topic through writing sentences. 


Students will identify elements of various genres in fiction and nonfiction texts.


Students will edit drafts using appropriate spacing between letters, words, and sentences.


Students will begin to summarize the plot of a story to include the beginning, middle, and end.


Students will revise drafts by adding, deleting, and/or moving text.


Students will begin to summarize facts and details from an informational text.


Students will correctly spell grade-level words while editing using resources as needed.



Students will routinely use a recursive process to publish final drafts for an authentic audience (e.g., reading aloud, author’s chair).


Standard 3: Critical Reading and Writing

Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.

Students will analyze, interpret, and evaluate increasingly complex
literary and informational texts that include a wide range of historical,
cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives from a variety of genres.
Students will thoughtfully and intentionally write,
addressing a range of modes, purposes, and audiences.


Students will determine the author’s purpose (i.e., tell a story, provide information).


Students will write narratives incorporating characters, plot (i.e., beginning, middle, end), and a basic setting (i.e., time, place).


Students will determine whether a grade-level literary text is narrated in first- or third-person point of view with prompting.


Students will write facts about a topic and include a main idea with supporting details in a paragraph.


Students will find examples of literary elements:

● setting (i.e., time and place)

● plot (i.e., beginning, middle, end)

● characters and their traits


Students will write an opinion about a topic and provide reasons as support in a paragraph.


Students will find examples of literary devices:

● simile

● alliteration

● onomatopoeia




Students will use details from the literary or informational text to draw conclusions and make predictions.


Students will locate facts that are clearly stated in an informational text.


Students will describe the structure of an informational text with prompting: 

● description

● sequential


Standard 4: Vocabulary

Students will expand and apply their spoken and reading vocabularies to speak, read, and write effectively.

Students will expand their grade-level vocabularies

through reading, word study, and class discussion.

Students will apply knowledge of vocabulary
to speak and write effectively.


Students will determine relationships among words, including synonyms, antonyms, and simple multiple-meaning words.


Students will use grade-level vocabulary to communicate ideas through speaking and writing.


Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of words.


Students will use language in speaking and writing according to purpose and audience. 


Students will use word parts (e.g., affixes, Anglo-Saxon roots, stems) to define and determine the meaning of new words.



Students will use grade-level resource materials (e.g., simple dictionary, glossary) to clarify the meaning of words.


Students will acquire new grade-level vocabulary, relate new words to prior knowledge, and apply vocabulary in new situations.


Standard 5: Language

Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage, mechanics, and style to comprehend texts and
communicate effectively.

Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage,
mechanics, and style to comprehend, analyze, and/or evaluate a
variety of texts.
Students will expand and apply knowledge of grammar, usage,
mechanics, and style to speak and write effectively,
demonstrating standard usage when appropriate.


Students will recognize simple and compound sentences.


Students will compose simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences that begin with a capital letter and conclude with an end mark.



Students will recognize parts of speech in sentences:

● common, proper, and irregular plural nouns

● tenses of verbs (i.e., past, present, future)

● the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence

● descriptive adjectives and articles (i.e., a, an, the) as adjectives

● prepositions

● singular and plural personal pronouns and the nouns they replace

● the conjunctions and, or, and but

● -ly adverbs


Students will use nouns, verbs, and adjectives to add clarity and variety to their writing.


Students will punctuate initials and capitalize holidays, product names, initials, and months and days of the week.


Students will use periods with declarative and imperative sentences, question marks with interrogative sentences, and exclamation points with exclamatory sentences.


Students will use apostrophes to form simple contractions (e.g., isn’t, aren’t, can’t).


Students will use commas in dates (e.g., September 6, 2020).


Students will use a colon to indicate time (e.g., The bell rings at 3:15.).


Standard 6: Research

Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and communicate accurate information.

Students will gather, comprehend, evaluate, and synthesize researched
information to acquire and refine knowledge.
Students will synthesize information ethically
through speaking and writing.


Students will create their own questions to find information on their topic.


Students will generate a list of topics and questions about an area of interest for research.


Students will identify and use graphic and text features to understand texts:

● photos

● illustrations

● titles

● labels

● headings

● charts

● graphs

● captions

● subheadings


Students will organize information found during group or individual research, using graphic organizers or other aids.


Students will consult various text reference sources to gather information (i.e., title page, table of contents, glossary, index).


Students will organize and share relevant information for various purposes.


Standard 7: Multimodal Literacies

Students will comprehend and communicate knowledge through alphabetic, aural, visual, spatial, and/or gestural

Students will comprehend and evaluate multimodal content.
Students will create multimodal content to communicate effectively.


Students will explore and compare ideas and topics in multimodal content. 


Students will use a combination of writing, sound, visual content, and/or movement to communicate ideas, thoughts, and feelings.


Standard 8: Independent Reading and Writing

Students will read and write independently for a variety of purposes and periods of time.

Students will read self-selected texts independently, choosing genres
to suit and expand their personal preferences and purposes.
Students will write independently, intentionally selecting modes,
purposes, and audiences.


Students will select texts for academic and personal purposes and read independently for extended periods of time.


Students will write independently using print and/or typing over various lengths of time for a variety of purposes.


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