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Multimodal Literacies

Page history last edited by Jason Stephenson 2 years, 7 months ago

Standard 7: Multimodal Literacies
Multimodal Literacies Overview

Multimodal is a combination of two or more modes. Modes include:

  • alphabetic: written language
  • aural: spoken language
  • visual: color, direction, and viewpoint in still and moving images
  • spatial: proximity, direction, position, and organization of objects
  • gestural: movement, speed, and stillness in physical expression and body language


Examples of multimodal literacies include storyboards, oral presentations, picture books, slide shows, comic strips, graphic novels, blogs, performances, newspapers, web pages, social media pages, infographics, flyers/posters, interactive stories, animation, film, and more. These examples are sorted into the chart below to show how the modes intersect.


Alphabetic + Visual
Spatial + Alphabetic
+ Visual
Spatial + Visual
+ Aural
Spatial + Visual
Gestural + Aural
+ Visual
Gestural + Aural
+ Visual + Spatial
comic strips
picture books
graphic novels
slide shows
social media pages
web pages
slide shows
interactive stories
oral presentations
readers theater



  • Multimodal literacies are not necessarily dependent on technology.
  • Younger students may benefit from time limits when creating multimodal content.
  • There are other forms of writing that are not multimodal, but are still beneficial to student writers.
    • Students are typically assigned to write essays as alphabetic texts, but are less frequently assigned scripts and poetry, which allow students to showcase their grasp of various literary elements and devices.
    • Podcasts are a purely aural mode, but they allow students to comprehend and compose in new ways.

The diagrams below illustrate the interconnectedness of multimodal literacies.


Source: Page 14 of the ELA Appendix

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