4th Grade Student Proficiency Levels: Standard 2 Writing Process

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4th Grade Proficiency Levels

Standard 2: Reading and Writing Process

Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.


WRITING: Students will develop and strengthen writing by engaging in a recursive process that includes prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.









 Students consistently develop drafts by categorizing ideas and organizing them into paragraphs. 




Students will develop drafts by categorizing ideas and organizing them into paragraphs.





Students frequently develop drafts by categorizing ideas and attempting to organize ideas into paragraphs.


 Students need support to develop drafts by categorizing ideas and organize ideas into paragraphs.



  Students need support to edit drafts and revise for clarity and organization.


 Students frequently edit drafts and to revise for clarity and organization.




 Students consistently edit drafts and revise for clarity and organization.


Students will edit drafts and revise for clarity and organization.


 Students need support to correctly spell grade-appropriate words while editing misspelled words distract from the content.



Students frequently spell grade-appropriate words correctly while editing most of the time and misspelled words do not distract from the continent. 



Students consistently spell grade-appropriate words correctly while editing.


 Students will correctly spell grade-appropriate words while editing.



Students need support when attempting to use resources to find correct spellings of words (e.g., word wall, vocabulary notebook, print and electronic dictionaries). 




Students frequently use resources to find correct spellings of words (e.g., word wall, vocabulary notebook, print and electronic dictionaries). 




 Students consistently use resources to find correct spellings of words (e.g., word wall, vocabulary notebook, print and electronic dictionaries). 




Students will use resources to find correct spellings of words (e.g., word wall, vocabulary notebook, print and electronic dictionaries, and spell-check).


    *Once the student demonstrates an understanding of an objective, consider a deeper acquisition of those skills. 



 Instructional Guidance 

  • Use visuals to represent the sequence of a story or details of information. This could be done individually or collaboratively.

  • Have students provide written sequence of a story or details using illustrations/photographs as prompts and graphic organizers.

  • Model revising text with intentional focus on clarity and organization.

  • Model using various resources to ensure correct spelling during collaborative writing activities.

  •  Give students the opportunity to provide sequence of a story or information of a topic in guided and independent writing using graphic organizers as a support.

  • Model using an editing checklist with a of writing sample.

  • Allow students to work in pairs/groups to edit sample writing using a revising and editing checklist.

  • Ensure that students have accessibility and understanding of common revising and editing checklist.

  •  Use mentor texts as examples for students to study and imitate good writing. These can be writing samples from past and current students, real world writers, or the teacher.

  • Guide students in developing a common class revising and editing checklist.

  • Provide graphic organizers to support organizing ideas.

  • Students should have a variety of opportunities to practice their writing skills through engaging in the steps of the writing process.

  • Engage students in writing conferences to help strengthen and develop writing skills.



  • Use mentor texts as examples for students to study and imitate good writing. These can be writing samples from past and current students, real world writers, or the teacher.
  • Students should have a variety of opportunities to develop their writing skills through engaging in the steps of the writing process.
  • Engage students in writing circles (small group writing clubs) to help share their writing with peers to enhance writing skills.
  • Allow student the opportunities to participate in the peer revision process.

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