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7th Grade Student Proficiency Levels: Standard 8 Ind Writing

Page history last edited by Jason Stephenson 5 years, 12 months ago


7th Grade Introduction

7th Grade Proficiency Levels


Standard 8: Independent Reading and Writing

Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.


WRITING: Students will write independently for extended periods of time. Students will vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task.









Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g., time for research, reflection, and revision) and for shorter timeframes (e.g., a single sitting or a day or two), vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task, and discover different perspectives. 


Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g., time for research, reflection, and revision) and for shorter timeframes (e.g., a single sitting or a day or two), vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task, and discover different perspectives.



Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g., time for research, reflection, and revision) and for shorter timeframes (e.g., a single sitting or a day or two), vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task, and discover different perspectives with guidance and support.


Students will attempt to write independently over extended periods of time (e.g., time for research, reflection, and revision) and for shorter timeframes (e.g., a single sitting or a day or two), vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task with guidance and support.

  *Once the student demonstrates an understanding of an objective, consider a deeper acquisition of those skills. 


 Instructional Guidance 

  • Confer with students about their writing goals and progress. Guide them toward appropriate topics and provide feedback on writing throughout the process.

  • Allow students to write on topics of their choosing for different purposes with guidance.

  • Provide students with a suggested selection of prompts that can guide their writing for various purposes and audiences (formal writing pieces, journal entries, pen pals, etc).

  • Provide students with examples of writing modes and genres that can inspire or guide their writing decisions.

  • Allow students to imitate mentor texts to explore their own writing voice, a topic, and other decisions about writing.

  • Provide students opportunities to write daily.

  • Encourage students to use word walls while writing.

  •  Confer with students about their writing goals and progress. Discuss topic choices and writing styles and provide feedback throughout the process..
  • Allow students to write on topics of their choosing for different purposes.

  • Provide students with a suggested selection of prompts that can guide their writing for various purposes and audiences (formal writing pieces, journal entries, pen pals, etc).

  • Provide students with examples of writing modes and genres that can inspire or guide their writing decisions.

  • Guide students through the process of explaining the difference between their different written pieces.

  • Allow students to find and imitate text(s) to explore their own writing voice, a topic, and other decisions about writing.

  • Provide students opportunities to write daily.

  •  Confer with students about their writing goals and progress. Discuss topic choices and writing styles and provide feedback throughout the process.
  • Allow students to write on topics of their choosing for different purposes.

  • Provide students with opportunities to write for various purposes and audiences (formal writing pieces, journal entries, pen pals, etc).

  • Provide a clear timeline of a long term writing project.

  • Provide students with a suggested selection of prompts that can inspire or guide their writing.

  • Provide students with mentor texts to study and imitate as examples of good writing that can inspire or guide their writing decisions. These can be writing samples from past and current students, real world writers, or the teacher.

  • Allow students to find and imitate text(s) to explore their own writing voice, a topic, and other writerly decisions.

  • Instruct students to identify and then explain the differences between their different written pieces.

  • Provide students opportunities to write daily.



  •  Guide students through the process of providing feedback to each other about the different purposes and methods of expression used in their written pieces.
  • Have students reflect on their choices in writing, explaining their successes and setbacks.

  • Encourage students to rewrite one of their writing pieces for a different audience or purpose.



7th Grade Introduction

7th Grade Proficiency Levels

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