Point of View


Point of View 


noun | "the way in which an author reveals a viewpoint or perspective. This can be done through characters, ideas, events and narration." (ELA Glossary, page 82)


Point ​of ​View ​and ​Perspective ​are ​often ​used ​interchangeably ​but ​are ​two ​different ​distinct ​elements ​of ​writing. Perspective ​is ​how ​the ​characters ​view ​and ​process ​what’s ​happening ​within ​the ​story ​while ​the ​point ​of ​view characterizes ​the ​type ​of ​narration ​of ​the ​story ​(first, ​second, ​third ​person). ​Point ​of ​View ​deals ​with ​narration ​and perspective ​deals ​with ​how ​characters ​feel ​about ​certain ​experiences ​and ​other ​characters. See ​more ​at ​NY ​Book Editors: ​What’s ​the ​Difference ​Between ​Perspective ​and ​Point ​of ​View? 


Literacy Progression

Standard 3 


objectives in chronological order with shifts bolded

how the objectives develop & change through the grade levels 

PK.3.R.2  Students ​will ​describecharacters ​in ​a ​story with ​guidance ​and ​support.

Although ​the ​literary ​device ​of ​point ​of ​view ​is ​not explicitly ​stated ​in ​the ​early ​grades ​of ​Pre-Kindergarten and ​Kindergarten, ​young ​students ​will ​need ​to begin to ​understand ​and ​have ​dialogue ​about ​character traits ​and ​their ​voice ​throughout ​the ​text. ​As ​students begin ​to ​understand ​characters ​and ​their ​role ​in ​story development, ​they ​move ​to ​the ​ability ​to ​identify ​the who ​is ​telling ​the ​story ​in ​the ​literature ​they ​are sharing.

K.3.R.2   Students ​will ​describe ​characters ​and ​setting ​in a ​story ​with ​guidance ​and ​support. 
1.3.R.2  Students ​will describe ​who ​is ​telling ​the ​story (i.e., ​point ​of ​view). 

2.3.R.2  Students ​will infer ​whether ​a ​story ​is narrated in ​first ​or ​third ​person ​point ​of ​view in ​grade-level literary ​and/or ​informational ​text. 

In literature, ​authors ​seldom ​explicitly ​state ​the ​point of ​view ​for ​the ​audience. ​Students ​will ​need ​to practice ​the ​technique ​of ​identifying ​the ​point ​of view of ​the ​text during ​shared ​and ​teacher ​modeled reading ​in ​large ​group ​settings ​before ​the ​expectation of ​securing ​this ​insight ​as ​an ​independent ​reader. ​Using the ​guidance ​from ​skilled ​readers, ​students ​will ​use inferencing ​during ​reading ​to determine ​the text's ​point of ​view.


In ​informational ​text, ​point ​of ​view ​is ​often ​referred to ​as ​the perspective ​and ​purpose ​the ​author ​takes. When ​reading ​informational ​text, ​students ​can answer two ​questions ​about ​the ​author's ​point ​of view:

  1.  What ​is ​the main ​idea ​the ​author ​is ​trying ​to convince ​the ​readers ​to ​agree ​with? 
  2.  What ​does ​the ​author ​want ​to accomplish ​in the ​text? 

[source: McGraw ​Hill's ​Literacy ​eHandbook]


During ​this ​time, ​students ​are ​not ​only ​inferring ​the point ​of ​view, ​but ​also ​making ​a correct ​decision ​of the ​point ​of ​view. ​In ​literature, ​they ​will ​need ​not only ​to ​decide ​first, ​second ​or ​third ​person, ​but ​to ​also have ​opportunities ​to ​compare ​how character's point of ​views ​differ ​at ​various ​points ​in ​text. ​This ​could ​be comparing multiple ​characters ​or ​how specific characters' ​points ​of ​view ​evolve ​during a text.


When ​reading ​informational ​text, ​students ​can answer four ​questions ​about ​the ​author's ​point ​of view:

  1.  What ​is ​the main ​idea the ​author ​is ​trying ​to convince ​the ​readers ​to ​agree ​with?
  2.  How ​does ​the ​author’s choice ​of ​words influence ​how ​readers ​think ​about ​the ​topic?
  3.  How ​doe ​the ​author’s choice ​of ​facts ​or examples ​influence ​how ​readers ​think ​about the ​topics?
  4.  What ​does ​the ​author ​want ​to accomplish ​in the ​text?

[source: McGraw ​Hill's ​Literacy ​eHandbook]

3.3.R.2  Students ​will ​infer ​whether ​a ​story ​is ​narrated in ​first ​or ​third ​person ​point ​of ​view ​in ​grade-level literary ​and/or ​informational ​text. 
4.3.R.2  Students ​will ​infer ​whether ​a ​story ​is ​narrated in ​first ​or ​third ​person ​point ​of ​view ​in ​grade-level literary ​and/or ​informational ​text. 
5.3.R.2  Students ​will determine ​the ​point ​of ​view and describe ​how ​it ​affects ​grade-level ​literary ​and/or informational text
6.3.R.2   Students ​will evaluate ​how ​the point ​of ​view and ​perspective ​affect ​grade-level ​literary ​and/or informational text. 

NY ​Book ​Editors ​describe point ​of ​view ​as ​the type ​of narrator ​telling ​the ​story ​(first, ​second, ​third) ​and perspective ​as ​how ​the narrator ​perceives what’s going ​on ​in ​the ​story. ​As ​students ​enter ​the ​secondary level ​of ​education, ​they ​will ​need ​to ​have ​the ​ability ​to analyze ​how ​the ​narrator's ​point ​of ​view, ​and ​those ​of various ​characters, ​influence ​the ​storyline, ​including plot ​and ​conflict/resolution ​in literary ​text.


 In ​informational ​text, point ​of ​view ​or ​perspective ​of the ​author ​is ​often ​represented ​through ​facts, examples, ​and ​text ​that ​is ​flattering ​to ​the ​concept ​or cause. As ​students ​move ​through ​the ​first ​years ​of ​their secondary ​academic ​career, ​they ​will ​need ​these ​skills to explain ​the ​effects ​of ​these ​literary ​elements ​on the ​text.  

7.3.R.2  Students ​will ​evaluate ​how ​the ​point ​of ​view and ​perspective ​affect ​grade-level ​literary ​and/or informational ​text 
8.3.R.2  Students ​will evaluatepointsof ​viewand perspectivesand ​describe ​how ​this affects grade-level ​literary ​and/or ​informational text.
9.3.R.2  Students ​will evaluate ​points ​of ​view ​and perspectives ​in ​more ​than ​one ​grade-level ​literary and/or ​informational text ​and ​explain ​how multiple points ​of ​view contribute ​to ​the ​meaning ​of ​a ​work. 





As ​students ​develop ​the ​skills ​needed ​in ​distinguishing and ​describing ​the ​point ​of ​view/perspective, ​they ​will need ​to ​go ​deeper ​by examining ​multiple ​points ​of view and describing ​how ​they contribute ​to ​the meaning ​or purpose ​of ​the ​text.

10.3.R.2  Students ​will ​evaluate ​points ​of ​view ​and perspectives ​in ​more ​than ​one ​grade-level ​literary and/or ​informational ​text ​and ​explain ​how ​multiple points ​of ​view ​contribute ​to ​the ​meaning ​of ​a ​work. 
11.3.R.2  Students ​will ​evaluate ​points ​of ​view ​and perspectives ​in ​more ​than ​one ​grade-level ​literary and/or ​informational ​text ​and ​explain ​how ​multiple points ​of ​view ​contribute ​to ​the ​meaning ​of ​a ​work.
12.3.R.2  Students ​will ​evaluate ​points ​of ​view ​and perspectives ​in ​more ​than ​one ​grade-level ​literary and/or ​informational ​text ​and ​explain ​how ​multiple points ​of ​view ​contribute ​to ​the ​meaning ​of ​a ​work. 


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