

Standard 4: Vocabulary

Students will expand their working vocabularies to effectively communicate and understand texts.

READING: Students will expand academic, domain-appropriate, grade-level vocabularies through reading, word study, and class discussion.
7.4.R.5 Students will use a dictionary, glossary, or a thesaurus (print and/or electronic) to determine or clarify the meanings, syllabication, pronunciation, synonyms, and parts of speech of words.

Student Actions 

Teacher Actions 

  • Students will use a dictionary, glossary, and thesaurus to clarify misconceptions of word meanings.
  • Students will utilize appropriate print and digital reference to gain abetter understanding of the word including syllables, pronunciations, synonyms and the part of speech. 
  • Teachers provide multiple resources for students to look up words that might need to be clarified or defined.
  • Teachers monitor correct usage of the print or digital dictionary, glossary, or thesaurus.

  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to research words in order to clarify meaning.

  • Teachers monitor and provide opportunities for students to receive feedback when using print or digital resources. 

Supporting Resources

Teacher Insights 

GaDOE Vocabulary Strategies Toolbox  (PDF)

AltonSchools.org: Marzano's Six Step Process   (PDF)

Vocabulary.com:homograph,homophone,homonyms (Website)

Visuwords Visual Dictionary (Website)



  • Students should learn to consult print and digital dictionaries, glossaries or thesauri to clarify or confirm word meanings and to determine the syllabication, pronunciation, synonyms, and parts of speech of words.

  • Students should learn a strategy that helps them understand and remember new words.

  • Students will need the background of how to read pronunciation guides.

  • Teachers need to have knowledge of available digital resources and their capability to work with different devices.

  • Students may not understand the connotations of words when using a thesaurus.

Due to recursive nature of the standards, it is essential that teachers are aware of how all objectives within and between strands work together for optimal instruction. 

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