

Standard 5: Language

Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.


WRITING: Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
8.5.W.5 Students will form and use verbs in the indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive mood.

Student Actions 

Teacher Actions 

  • Students will make and use verbs in the indicative mood. (e.g., to make a statement)

    • Example: Science lab rules keep students safe.

  • Students will make and use verbs in the imperative mood. (e.g., to make a command or a strong request)

    • Example: Keep gloves on at all times while handling chemicals in the lab.

  • Students will make and use verbs in the interrogative mood (e.g., to ask a question)

    • Example: Did you keep your safety goggles on?

  • Students will make and use verbs in the conditional mood. (e.g., to tell about something that might happen if something else happens)

    • Example: You will keep getting the same inaccurate results unless you measure the chemical agents more carefully.

  • Students will make and use verbs in the subjunctive mood. (e.g,. to express a doubt, a wish, or a statement contrary to fact)

    • Example: If you were to keep this mixture overnight, it would become solid. 

  • Teachers explain the mood of a verb refers to how a verb expresses a thought.
  • Teachers explain the five types of verb moods: indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive.
  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to create and contribute to the writer’s voice by using the five types of verb moods in their writing.
  • Teachers monitor and provide feedback to students with the use of verbs in the indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive mood.

Supporting Resources 

Teacher Insights

  • Most verbs are in the indicative mood, which indicates a fact or opinion.

    • Examples:

      • He was here.

      • I am hungry.

      • She will bring her books.

  • The imperative mood  expresses commands or requests. The understood subject of imperative sentences is you.

    • Examples:

      • Be here at seven o'clock.

      • Cook me an omelette.

      • Bring your books with you.

  • In the interrogative mood, the form of the verb does not change. Instead, you invert the auxiliary verb and place it before the subject. The main verb comes after the subject.

    • Examples:

      • Is he having any fun?

      • Do you think he will win?

      • Have the women finished the match?

  • Conditional verbs are used to create conditional sentences, which express hypothetical or unlikely situations. Conditional verbs can be used in the past, present, or future tense, and auxiliary verbs like can/could, will/would, and may/might are important in forming conditionals.

    • Examples:

      • If my cousin had been just a little taller, he could have been a basketball player.

      • If I had enough money, I would travel around the world.

      • If Alex finishes his essay, he will come over tomorrow.

  • When verbs show something contrary to fact, they are in the subjunctive mood. When you express a wish or something that is not actually true, use the past tense or past perfect tense; when using the verb to be in the subjunctive, always use were rather than was.

    • Examples:

      • If Archie were here, he would know what to do.

      • I wish I were there to eat dinner with you.

      • It would be better if you had brought your books with you.

Due to recursive nature of the standards, it is essential that teachers are aware of how all objectives within and between strands work together for optimal instruction.

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