

Standard 6: Research

Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.


WRITING: Students will summarize and paraphrase, integrate evidence, and cite sources to create reports, projects, papers, texts, and presentations for multiple purposes.
1.6.W.2 Students will organize information found during group or individual research, using graphic organizers or other aids with guidance and support.

Student Actions 

Teacher Actions 

With guidance and support during group or individual research:
  • Students will use graphic organizers or other aids to classify information.

Students at this level require guidance and support during instructional opportunities for this objective.Teachers model using graphic organizers or other aids to classify information.

  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to use graphic organizers or other aids to classify information.
  • Teachers monitor and provide opportunities for students to receive feedback when using graphic organizers or other aids to classify information.

Supporting Resources 

Teacher Insights 

KFCRR.org KWL Chart (PDF)

Link to examples of various graphic organizers (PDF)

  • The intention of this standard is for students to acknowledge connections between topics and sources. At this level, students extrapolate information from sources and organize findings with support.

Due to recursive nature of the standards, it is essential that teachers are aware of how all objectives within and between strands work together for optimal instruction.

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