

Standard 3: Critical Reading and Writing

Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.

 For more specific genre information, please refer to Genre Guidance (page 4 of the Support Documents.).


READING: Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.

1.3.R.3 Students will find textual evidence when provided with examples of literary elements and organization:

  • setting (i.e., time, place)

  • plot

  • main characters and their traits in a story

Student Actions 

Teacher Actions 

  • Students will find textual evidence of the characters, setting, and plotof a text.
  • Students will find textual evidence of the main character and their traits in a story.


  • Teachers lead discussions with students about setting, plot, and characters.
  • Teachers model how to find textual evidence of characters, setting, and plot of a text during read-alouds.
  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to find textual evidence of the characters, setting, and plot of a text.
  • Teachers monitor and provide opportunities for students to receive feedback as students are finding textual evidence of the characters, setting, and plot of a text.
  • Teachers lead discussions about main characters and their character traits with students.
  • Teachers model how to find textual evidence of the main character and their traits in a story.
  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to find textual evidence of the main character and their traits in a story.
  • Teachers monitor and provide opportunities for students to receive feedback as students are finding textual evidence of the main character and their traits in a story.

Supporting Resources

Teacher Insights 

Jack Hartmann Song:  Parts of a Story  (video)

Characters and Setting Song (video)

Describing Characters video (video)

Story Elements:  Characters (video)

Story Elements: Setting video (video)

FCRR.org: Narrative Text Structure Activities (PDF)


  • Literary Elements are the essential parts used in storytelling in almost all types of literature. Definitions of these elements listed above are found in the OSDE Glossary; they are further explained, along with numerous other literary elements, on the following site: literarydevices.com.

    • Setting: time and place in which events in a story take place

    • Plot: sequence of events or actions in a story

    • Characters are any person, animal, or figure in a story.

    • The main character, or protagonist, is the central or main character in a story.

    • Character traits are revealed in how they act, speak, and think, or they are explicitly stated by the author.

  • When presented with examples of literary elements, students can locate where evidence is found in the text.

Due to recursive nature of the standards, it is essential that teachers are aware of how all objectives within and between strands work together for optimal instruction.

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