

Standard 2: Reading and Writing Process

Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.

READING: Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.
1.2.R.1 Students will retell or re-enact major events in a text, focusing on important details to recognize the main idea.

Student Actions 

Teacher Actions 

  • Students will retell or reenact a familiar story, putting key details in sequential order.
  • Students will develop the ability to identify the main topic of a text.









  • Teachers read or tell a familiar story to the class.
  • Teachers lead students in putting the story in chronological order using transitional words (beginning, middle, end).
  • Teachers model retelling stories by doing  a picture walk using transitional words, first, next, then, last, etc.
  • Teachers model how to act out a portion of the story (with or without props).
  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to restate or reenact the story, either orally or through illustrations or writing.
  • Teachers monitor and provide opportunities for students to receive feedback about the order of events.
  • Teachers explain and discuss how to find the main idea in text.
  • Teachers model reading a text and identifying the main idea.
  • Teachers read text tp students and question students about the main idea. Example:  What is this story mostly about?
  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to  identify the main idea of a read aloud or an independently read text.
  • Teachers monitor and provide opportunities for students to receive feedback as students identify the main idea in a text.


Supporting Resources 

Teacher Insights 

Main Idea Lessons and Activities (website)              

Give Me Five Retell Strategy (video)

Main Idea & Supporting Details Activities (pdf)                                        

Story Elements:  Events video (video)

Character & Sequencing Activities(pdf) 

  • Reenact is to act out the events of a text.

  • Retell is to recall the content of what was read or heard.

  • The main idea is the central thought or premise of a reading passage.

  • Puppets, masks, retell cards, or other props should be provided to aid students in acting out or retelling stories.

  • Students need opportunities to act out stories with props while listening to text read aloud.  

  • Children may need guidance and support when they retell events out of sequence or add/delete major events.

Due to recursive nature of the standards, it is essential that teachers are aware of how all objectives within and between strands work together for optimal instruction.

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