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2nd Grade Introduction

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Saved by Jason Stephenson
on March 14, 2022 at 12:56:10 pm


Introduction to 2nd Grade


Students in grade 2 strengthen their foundational and critical reading and writing skills to proficiently read grade-appropriate complex literature and informational text with fluency and understanding. Instruction focuses on asking and answering explicit and inferential questions, using text evidence, summarizing, and engaging in collaborative conversation. Students identify literary elements such as character, setting, author’s purpose, and structure. Students continue to practice the writing process by writing narrative, informative, and opinion pieces incorporating grade level grammar concepts. Students expand their personal and academic vocabulary they can use in their writing and speaking and students develop stamina for longer periods of reading and writing.



2016 Objective Analysis
The 8 overarching standards are broken down into specific objectives. Each objective is analyzed with student actions, teacher actions, supporting resource(s), and teacher insights. Visit the Overview of Objective Analysis to learn about the purpose, layout, and design.
2021 Objective Analysis The 8 overarching standards are broken down into specific objectives. Each objective is analyzed with student actions, teacher actions, recommendations, and key terms and related objectives.

Student Proficiency Levels + Instructional Guidance

These proficiency levels describe student skill levels for each objective to help classroom teachers identify levels of student understanding. Beneath the proficiency levels, instructional guidance can be found for the developing, approaching, understanding, and deeper acquisition levels. 

Literacy Progressions

See how 25 major literacy skills develop throughout the course of a student's academic career, PK-12.

Engagement Strategies
Teachers can engage their students in literacy activities with these 12 strategies.

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